AAA Promise
about The
AAA PROMise is a program offered by AAA – The Auto Club Group – to keep teens and others safe on the roadway during prom and graduation season by raising awareness of the dangers of distracted-, alcohol- and/or marijuana-impaired driving.
AAA PROMise asks teens to make the responsible decision never to get behind the wheel impaired and to make sure their friends do the same. Parents should reinforce with their teen that nothing is more important than their teens safety. If a teen needs help getting home and reaches out to their parents, AAA will be there to tow the family vehicle home, free of charge, AAA Member or not.
By making the AAA PROMise, teens commit to making the right decision when it comes to the use of substances – alcohol, marijuana and other drugs – and driving, as well as distracted driving.
All participating chapters receiving a kit will be required to
agree to and provide the following:
- Chapter must fully registered in MySADD, with active student members to qualify.
- Ensure at least one member of your chapter has completed the MySADD PROMise training course.
- Preferably all members of chapter participate in the course prior to executing the program.
- Chapter should attempt to work with a AAA - The Auto Club Group -Volunteer.​
- A volunteer will be connected with you through a SADD or AAA contact.​
- Complete the PROMise exit ticket when events are finished.
What's in the kit?
You will receive a full kit including the PROMise presentation, fact sheet, swag, and photo waiver/disclaimers to produce an amazing PROMise event.
What do we have to do to get it?
See the requirements above!
How do we do a PROMise event?
Check out the MySADD PROMise training course for event ideas and how to get started.​
What if we are outside the 16 eligible States?
Connect with your State contact and ask them for digital resources! We hope to build this program to a larger area in future years, and your request can help make that happen!
What if there are more than 16 requests per State?
The kits will be sent on a first-request, first-served basis. If kits remain after the request deadline for other areas, kits will be released to the general population similarly.
complete your exit ticket
Thank you for participating in the AAA + SADD PROMise program!
To complete your event, please fill out the Exit Ticket below