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Guiding Lights: Finding the Perfect Advisor to Launch Your Chapter

Starting a “Students Against Destructive Decisions” (SADD) chapter is an exciting and impactful journey. When I decided to bring SADD to my school, I reached out to a local SADD representative for guidance. Our initial meeting was a pivotal moment as we discussed the steps to launching a chapter, including the crucial step of finding an advisor. Talking to someone allowed me to understand the essential steps I needed to take and in what order. I took the representative’s advice and began my journey.

As I searched for my own advisor, I knew from my conversation with the Ohio SADD State Coordinator that I needed someone who would not only provide guidance but also encourage innovative thinking and take responsibility for creating an account to start a new chapter in MySADD. An advisor is the foundation for any successful SADD chapter. They provide guidance, support, and a wealth of experience to help your chapter thrive.

So, how do you find the perfect advisor? What should you be looking for? Here are some steps I followed in my search and can make the process less intimidating:

  • Identify Potential Candidates

    • Look for teachers, counselors, and administrators within your school who are passionate about teenage safety and wellness. Ideal candidates are those who:

      • Genuinely care about wanting to help make an impact and improve student well-being

      • Have experience with teenage wellness, mental health, and teenage safety initiatives

      • Compile a list of potential candidates based on these qualities.

  • Research

    • Once you have your list, do some research to understand who would be the best fit. Consider this:

      • Does your candidate have enough time to dedicate to SADD?

      • Can you expect prompt responses from them?

      • Are they easy to approach?

  • Approach

    • After you find your ideal candidate, approach them with a well-prepared pitch. Here’s how:

      • Reach out to them: Contact them and ask about scheduling a meeting to discuss your idea.

      • Present Your Pitch: Explain what SADD is, what you hope to achieve, and show them you have a solid plan to achieve it. Share your vision, some initial ideas for initiatives, and how you believe they can significantly aid in helping this vision come to fruition.

      • Highlight Benefits: Talk about how their guidance will allow them to inspire change and positively impact the students and the school community.

  • Follow Up and Appreciate

    • Make sure to thank them for their time and consideration of becoming an advisor. If they agree, celebrate and officially welcome them. If they decline, don’t worry. Ask them for feedback and use it as you continue your search for an advisor.

Finding the perfect advisor is crucial to your success in launching your SADD chapter. This process requires identifying potential candidates, conducting research, making a well-prepared approach, and appreciating their time and effort. Each step taken brings you closer to your goal of impacting positive change for your peers.

For additional support and guidance, reach out to SADD National. Good luck on this inspiring journey!


For more info and to learn more about being a SADD advisor or chapter lead, check out the new SADD University series in your MySADD Courses.

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